Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Finding a Balance

This year I have had a great opportunity to transform my classroom and my teaching. I was awarded a grant to have a Next Generation Classroom of the Future! As soon as I found out, I was unbelievably excited and anxious for the school year to start. I told myself to go for it, not hold back, so I could get the most from this experience.

My classroom was transformed with different furniture for collaboration and group learning. My teacher desk was no longer a part of the classroom setup. I was also armed with lots of new technology—an iPad for each student and teacher, Apple TV, and a Smart TV. We also added eSpark to each iPad. eSpark creates a personalized learning plan for each student. Using data, each student participates in a ‘quest’ (their individual goal), which includes videos, apps, a pre and post quiz. It concludes with a student video to explain what they learned. So far, this journey has been fun, exciting, scary, and at times, overwhelming. I am still finding a balance between old and new, tradition versus technology.

Here are 10 things I have learned so far…
1.    Technology is here to stay and will always have a place in the classroom.
2.    Things CAN be done quicker with technology, but not always!
3.    Kids are less afraid to try something different than adults.
4.    Students have great ideas to help their learning, even at 5 years old!
5.    Being flexible is key!
6.    Stay true to you. I should say it again… Stay true to you!
7.    Trial and Error is not just for your students.
8.    Paper still has its place. :)
9.    Twitter is not just for celebrity gossip.
10.  Trust yourself. Not everyone will understand what you’re doing but it’s important that you believe in your methods and in yourself!